rom RUMAG to JACKY LUXURY and BOXD’OR and back! From Lana Dealessi, to Anna Perret, Annabelle La Belle, Robin Roxette, Tallyta Cavalieri, Kim feenstra and many more stars as she is one of Hollands’ finest makeupartists! Being JTB’s sidekick for many years she excelled into a true one girl army. Why? Well, she is a very experienced hairdresser with more than over 16 years of experience. Second nature to that, she is also very skillful with hairstyling with the same years of experience! After finishing Mieke Petiet, the famous makeup-artist school, she extended her arsenal with makeup skills which make her a true battleship of styling and beauty.


Is there more to Denise Aukes? Yes there is! She is probably the fastest makeupartist on the planet. With blazing speed and with unmatched accuracy and quality, she delivers ON TIME, as punctuality is also one of her strong points. More? Yes there is… She is also one of the sweetest, most honest and dedicated persons you will probably ever meet. A unique person who is the true heart of JTB and we wouldnt be here if it wasnt for this wonderful lady.

denise aukes makeup artist

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